Halloween Contact Lens Wearers Risk Blindness, FDA Warns

The FDA regulates all contact lenses as medical devices. That includes corrective lenses and the decorative variety.

Contact lenses are illegal to sell without a prescription, but you wouldn’t know it around Halloween when millions of counterfeit lenses flood the market. They are sold everywhere from gas stations to online costume retailers for as little as $20.

Customs and Border Protection has seized about 100,000 pairs of illegal contact lenses this year and issued strong warnings against using non-prescription lenses. They also posted some scary photos of eye injuries:

The problem is that many people who wear non-prescription lenses for Halloween do not realize they are risking infection, scarring, and blindness. According to James Dinkins of Homeland Security:

Consumers shouldn’t let a good deal or great costume blind them to the dangers of counterfeit decorative contact lenses. What’s truly scary is the damage these counterfeit lenses can do to your eyes for a lifetime.”

The FDA says you should never buy decorative contact lenses over-the-counter or online. Instead, get prescription lenses from a doctor with an eye exam to make sure they fit properly. You will pay more for prescription lenses, but you won’t pay for a night of fun with permanent blindness.

Here are some seriously scary risks associated with non-prescription lenses:

Photo courtesy of American Optometric Association (PRNewsFoto/Family Features Editorial Syndi)

Source: FDA Consumer Update