SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper Linked to Suffocation Hazard

After warning parents about the dangers of inclined sleepers, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning about a similar suffocation hazard in Summer Infant’s SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper, an inclined bassinet for babies.

Summer Infant Inc. has not recalled the inclined bassinet yet, but CPSC said it intends to continue pressing the company for a recall.

No incidents have been reported, but CPSC is warning consumers that it puts infants at risk of suffocation based on the agency’s evaluation of the product, how it is used, and outside expert advice.

At least 73 babies have died when they suffocated in an inclined sleeper, according to an investigation by Consumer Reports.

Millions of inclined sleepers have been recalled, including the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play, Kids II Rocking Sleepers and other inclined bassinets.

The products pose a major suffocation hazard to babies who roll over and become trapped. Very young infants can also suffocate in an inclined sleeper because they can’t hold their head up to breathe.

In October 2019, the CPSC warned consumers to stop using all inclined sleepers. In response, stores such as Amazon, Walmart, eBay and Buy Buy Baby banned all sales of the products.

Experts recommend that babies should sleep on their back on a firm, flat surface in a crib, bassinet, or play yard. Parents and caregivers should never add blankets, pillows, or other items to an infant’s bed.

Source: CPSC Warns Consumers to Stop Using Summer Infant (USA), Inc.’s SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper