At least two lawsuits have been filed by people who were injured by the Power Pressure Cooker XL.
In June 2015, a federal lawsuit was filed in Texas by a woman who was burned by hot pinto beans that left her permanently scarred — Case No. 1:15-cv-00108.
Later that month, another federal lawsuit was filed in Florida by a woman and her husband. She told CBS News:
He started to open it, and it blew out everything. … He burned his arms completely, and when he removed the clothes, shorts, his leg also was burned.”
The man received 2nd-degree burns from his elbows to his fingertips, and his wife had burns and swelling on her hand. They also suing Bed Bath & Beyond — Case No. 1:15-cv-22364.
Lawyers say the pressure cookers “explode despite being unplugged, properly vented, and opened without force.”
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has received reports from consumers who said the cookers “exploded with fire hot chicken soup.” In this report, a woman “walked into the room where the pea soup was cooking and the pressure pot lid exploded all over.”
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