Sign Up to Join WEN Class Action Lawsuit Settlement

WEN Class Action Lawsuit Settlement
Editor’s note: For more information on how to get your settlement, please visit WEN® Hair Care Class Action | Official Settlement WebSite.

Chaz Dean and Guthy-Renker LLC agreed to the class action settlement after denying all wrongdoing. They were accused of ignoring over 17,000 complaints and continuing to sell WEN products that caused baldness.

The $26,250,000 settlement has been split into two tiers:

To submit a Tier 2 claim, you will need evidence — “before-and-after” photos, receipts for out-of-pocket expenses, medical records, and written or video testimony from you, your hairdresser, or witnesses.

Tier 2 Claims have been split into four levels of compensation:

  1. $0 to $2,500 — Hair thinning, limited hair breakage, mild scalp irritation, up to 20% hair loss. Hair re-growth took 1-4 months. Limited evidence.
  2. $2,500 to $7,500 — Noticeable hair loss (up to 33%) or scalp irritation, small bald spots, obvious hair thinning. Hair re-growth took 5-10 months.
  3. $7,500 to $12,500 — Large bald spots over more than 33% of the scalp, severe scalp irritation for several months. Re-growth took 11-18 months.
  4. $12,500 to $20,000 — Lost more than 50% of hair with large bald spots that could not be hidden. Hair re-growth has been minimal.

To be eligible, you must have purchased or used at least one of the following WEN® Hair Care products between November 1, 2007 and September 19, 2016:

The court will meet on June 5, 2017 to give final approval to the settlement. All of the claims must be reviewed, so please be patient.

To keep your right to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of WEN, you must “opt out” of the settlement by sending a letter in the mail stating that you want to be excluded no later than February 10, 2017.

For more information, please visit the Official Settlement WebSite or call 1-888-247-5266. You can also contact the claims administrator at