Last week, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Karen McDonald sentenced Rebecca Bredow, 40, to be jailed for refusing to obey a court order to vaccinate her 9 year-old son. After she was released, Bredow called her stint in jail “the worst five days of my life.”
Now another dispute has arisen between divorced parents who are fighting over immunizations for a 2 year-old girl. The case involves Lori Matheson, a mother from Walled Lake, Michigan, who shares custody with her ex-husband, Michael Schmitt of Troy, Michigan.
Matheson is claiming religious exemptions and medical concerns to avoid having the girl immunized. Her ex-husband wants the girl to be vaccinated.
Because they can’t agree, the parents and their lawyers will go before Judge McDonald on November 14, 2017 to present expert testimony. The dispute will put vaccine safety on trial again in a court of law.
Matheson has previously testified before Judge McDonald that part of her objection is religious because some vaccines are cultured from cell lines that came from aborted fetal tissue in the 1960s and 1970s.
Michigan allows parents to opt out of vaccines for medical exemptions, like all 50 states. In 2014, Michigan required parents who are seeking a non-medical waiver for religious reasons to visit a health department and receive education on the benefits of vaccines.
Source: Vaccines go on trial again in Oakland County as parents fight in divorce court