A woman who went blind in her right eye after developing an infection from EzriCare eye drops has filed a lawsuit against Amazon.com and other companies.
The plaintiff, Beverly J., is a woman from Michigan who purchased EzriCare Artificial Tears from Amazon.com and started using them in April 2022.
After about two months of using the eye drops, she developed pain and redness in her right eye. In June 2022, she was diagnosed with a neurotrophic ulcer and a corneal ulcer in her right eye.
Her doctors also tested her eye and found that it was infected with a highly antibiotic-resistant bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The infection caused poor vision in her right eye, stabbing eye pain, mucous and discharge, problems seeing, and flashes of light.
By September 2022, scarring due to the infection caused her to go completely blind in her right eye. She also suffered from constant pain. The injuries are “debilitating and permanent,” the lawsuit claims.
A recall for EzriCare Artificial Tears was announced by the FDA in February 2023 due to bacterial contamination.
By that time, 55 people had developed serious Pseudomonas infections after using the eye drops, including one person who died after the infection spread to their bloodstream. Several people lost their vision or had to be hospitalized.
The defendants include Amazon.com, EzriCare LLC, EzriRX LLC, Global Pharma Healthcare Private Ltd., and Aru Pharma Inc.
The lawsuit was filed on May 19, 2023 in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey — Case 3:23-cv-02731.