The 4 confirmed cases of salmonella occurred in children between the ages of 2 months and 10 months, all of whom got sick between August and late December 2018. At least 3 other cases are currently being investigated to determine if they are linked to the outbreak.
The French National Public Health Agency (Santé publique France) said 3 babies were hospitalized for complications of salmonella, but have all since been discharged from the hospital.
Preliminary results from the ongoing investigation point to Modilac baby food products manufactured in Spain as the likely source of the outbreak. Modilac products made in France and sold in supermarkets there have not been associated with any salmonella illnesses to date.
Sodilac, the company that markets the recalled items, has withdrawn its entire range of infant nutrition products made at the Spanish production site believed to be the origin of contamination.
Interviews with parents of the 4 infants diagnosed with salmonella confirmed that all of the babies consumed the same brand of powdered milk manufactured in the same plant in the days leading up to their illnesses. The babies did not have any other foods or drinks in common.
Source: Yahoo
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