Thousands of Women Injured by Essure Birth Control
Bayer is facing several lawsuits after more than 5,000 women were injured by Essure birth control.
States File Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits Against Johnson & Johnson
California and Washington accuse J&J of violating consumer protection laws by using false advertising to sell vaginal mesh.
Coffee Workers at Risk for Incurable Lung Disease
Workers in coffee roasting plants are at risk for developing severe, incurable lung disease called "Popcorn Lung," according to the CDC.
Baltimore Cop Not Guilty in Freddie Gray Death
Baltimore police officer Edward Nero was acquitted on all charges in the death of Freddie Gray.
Fainting Goats Escape Fort McMurray Fire
A pair of flatulent fainting goats were rescued from a fiery inferno in Fort McMurray, Canada in the backseat of a Ford.
Cook Celect IVC Filter Lawsuit Filed in Pennsylvania
A lawsuit has been filed by a man from Pennsylvania whose IVC filter broke and became embedded in his heart.
Invokana Amputation Risk Under Review by FDA
FDA investigates study linking diabetes drugs Invokana and Invokamet with a doubled risk of leg, foot, and toe amputations.
Pain, Seizure Drug Lyrica May Triple Risk of Birth Defects
Study finds a 6% risk of major birth defects from first-trimester exposure to Lyrica, a popular anti-seizure and pain medication.
OVERTIME: Bad for the Economy or About Time?
Anyone making under $47,476 ($913 a week) will automatically qualify for time-and-a-half pay when they work 40 hours a week or more, according to a new rule announced by the White House.
E-Cigarette Explosion Injuries On the Rise [WARNING: Graphic]
In the last decade, millions of smokers switched to vaping e-cigarettes thinking it was safer. Unfortunately, over 150 explosions have been reported and dozens of people have been severely burned, blinded, or permanently scarred.