All posts by Daily Hornet

We aim to provide progressive news that covers politics and corporate wrongdoing. We have no corporate interests to serve. No hidden agenda. We’re here to bring you the news you need to know with a grassroots twist.

Exploding E-Cig Victim: “Like an M-80 Went Off In My Mouth”

A man from New York has filed a lawsuit after an exploding e-cigarette burned a hole through his tongue.

/ June 22, 2016

New Jersey Woman Files Bard Meridian IVC Filter Lawsuit

A lawsuit has been filed by a New Jersey woman who was injured by an IVC filter made by C.R. Bard.

/ June 21, 2016

FLDS Polygamist Leader Lyle Jeffs On the Run

To no one's surprise, Lyle Jeffs absconded the law when set free amid charges of ripping off Utah's food stamp program for at least $12 million to fund his cult of brotherly love and preteen brides.

/ June 21, 2016

Tennessee Man Files Cook IVC Filter Lawsuit

The lawsuit was filed by a man from Tennessee who was implanted with a vena cava filter made by Cook Medical.

/ June 20, 2016

Major Study Links Victoza and Pancreatic Cancer

In a major clinical trial, three times as many patients on the diabetes drug Victoza developed pancreatic cancer compared to a placebo.

/ June 17, 2016

Taxotere Lawsuit Filed by Mississippi Woman Over Permanent Baldness

A growing number of lawsuits accuse Sanofi-Aventis of failing to warn about permanent hair loss from Taxotere, a powerful breast cancer chemotherapy drug.

/ June 16, 2016

FDA Slams Whole Foods for Serious Safety Violations

High prices for high-quality food? Not so fast. Take a look at where the food is coming from.

/ June 15, 2016

FDA Strengthens Kidney Warnings for Invokana, Other Diabetes Drugs

Diabetes patients on medications like Invokana have a higher risk of developing severe kidney problems, according to a new warning from the FDA.

/ June 14, 2016

Over 250 Women File Lawsuits Over Zofran Birth Defects

Over 250 lawsuits have been filed by women who had a baby with a birth defect after taking the anti-nausea drug Zofran during pregnancy.

/ June 13, 2016

W-18: World’s Most Dangerous Drug Still Legal in U.S.

Canada banned W-18 in May and legislation is pending to ban it in the United States. For now, the most dangerous drug in the world is still legal.

/ June 10, 2016