Red-E Pill Recall

Red-E Male Enhancement Pill

The Protein Shoppe recalled all lots of “Red-E” male enhancement tablets due to a serious health risk to consumers.

Red-E tablets are advertised as a nutritional supplement for men, but FDA laboratory tests found that it actually contains a hidden pharmaceutical drug ingredient.

Red-E tested positive for sildenafil, a PDE-5 inhibitor that is also found in Viagra® and other prescription medications for erectile dysfunction.

Because sildenafil is not on the label for Red-E, men who use it may not realize that they are taking sildenafil.

Men could suffer serious side effects, such as drug-interactions with nitrates in other prescription medications and life-threatening low blood pressure.

Red-E (Male Enhancement tablet) is a scored octagonal tablet with “Red” embossed on either side of the score line on one side of the tablet. It comes in small plastic bag with a black label stapled to it.

For more information, contact The Protein Shoppe by phone at 956-687-3539, Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 6 PM CST.

Red-E Male Enhancement Pills Recalled for Hidden Drug Ingredient

Source: The Protein Shoppe, LLC Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of the “Red- E” Male Enhancement Tablet Due to the Presence of Undeclared Sildenafil

Posted by Daily Hornet

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