Tag: energy drinks
How Energy Drinks Affect the Body
More and more Americans are switching from coffee to energy drinks when they need a boost, but there’s a lot going on under that pop top and few of us understand exactly how they work. Here’s a look at some...
Mother Blames Monster Energy Drink for Death of Son
A Jacksonville mother claims her 19-year-old son died after consuming about half a can of Monster Energy Drink.
Monster Energy Drink Killed My Son, Father Claims
A 19-year-old man died from a heart attack after downing more than three cans of Monster Energy Drink, according to a lawsuit filed by his father.
U.S. Military Warns Troops Against Energy Drinks
After a study found that nearly half of U.S. troops consume energy drinks, military experts warn about side effects from over-indulging in a cocktail of caffeine, sugar, and mystery ingredients.
The Dangers of Energy Drinks: 5 Reasons You Should Quit Now
Energy drinks are aggressively marketed as a quick and easy way for busy people to focus their concentration and power through the day, but the reality is that the beverages are far less effective than the average cup of coffee,...
Energy Drinks Linked to Case Report of Hepatitis
Excessive consumption of energy drinks with vitamins like niacin (Vitamin B3) may cause sudden liver inflammation or acute hepatitis, according to a case report.