Lawsuit Accuses FLDS Church of Systemic Sex Abuse

Lawsuit Accuses FLDS Church of Systemic Sex Abuse

A new lawsuit accuses the Fundamentalist LDS Church prophet Warren Jeffs and other leaders of "ritualistic sex abuse" involving girls as young as 8 years old.

/ January 22, 2018

FLDS Polygamists Escape Food Stamp Fraud Charges

Lawyers are working out a settlement with leaders of the Fundamentalist LDS Church. They are accused of welfare fraud for using more than $12 million in food stamps to fund Warren Jeffs' polygamist cult on the Utah-Arizona border.

/ January 11, 2017

Feds Wants FLDS Police Force Disbanded

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) will ask a federal judge this week to break up a law enforcement agency overseeing two cities on the Arizona-Utah border due to its “lengthy entanglement” with the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS).

/ October 25, 2016

FLDS Sued for of Wrongful Arrest, Discrimination Against Non-Members

Two residents of the community of Short Creek, Arizona, who were arrested last year for trespassing have filed a lawsuit (PDF) alleging that they were discriminated against because they are not members of the city’s dominant polygamous Fundamentalist Church of...

/ October 18, 2016

FLDS Polygamist Leader Lyle Jeffs On the Run

To no one's surprise, Lyle Jeffs absconded the law when set free amid charges of ripping off Utah's food stamp program for at least $12 million to fund his cult of brotherly love and preteen brides.

/ June 21, 2016