New Warning About Salmonella in Your Bag Salad Mix
Just a small amount of juice from damaged leaves in a bag of salad can massively stimulate the growth of Salmonella, a common food poisoning bacteria, according to a new study.
Oklahoma Town Hit By Earthquakes Sues Fracking Companies
An Oklahoma town hit by the largest earthquake in state history has filed a class action lawsuit accusing 27 energy companies of triggering the quakes by injecting fracking-wastewater on unstable fault-lines.
Saudi Arabia Warns Trump Not to Block Oil Imports
Saudi Arabia is cautioning President-elect Donald Trump against carrying out a threat to cut off all U.S. purchases of the kingdom's oil reserves.
Popular Heartburn Drugs May Raise Stroke Risk
People who take over-the-counter heartburn drugs like Nexium could be up to 94% more likely to have a stroke, according to a new study.
FTC Cracks Down on Homeopathic Remedies
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is cracking down on homeopathic products that make bogus or misleading claims on their labels and advertisements. Will it change anything?
Marijuana Medicine: How Pot Can Help Treat Substance Abuse, Mental Health Disorders
Despite what your grandmother told you about marijuana being a “gateway drug” that can lead to more harmful substances, a new study has found that medical cannabis may have quite the opposite effect.
FDA Stops Testing Food for Roundup
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suspended testing of foods like milk, corn, soy, eggs, and popcorn for residues of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup weed-killer.
Court Upholds $40 Million Jury Verdict in Jeep Fire Lawsuit
Judges upheld a $40 million award to the family of a 4 year-old boy who died in a Jeep that exploded into flames after a rear-end collision.
Common Mosquito may Transmit Zika, Dengue Fever in Same Bite
Of the 200 types of mosquitoes found in the U.S., only Aedes aegypti, also known as the yellow fever mosquito, has been found to spread multiple viruses including Zika and dengue fever, possibly at the same time.
Filters & Fractures: The Ongoing Saga of IVC Filters
Ray Rennell knew he was having a heart attack. Awoken in the dead of a cold November night by searing chest pain, he was, in a word, terrified. Would he make it to the phone to call 911? Would he...