Creation Gardens said the items being recalled are ground beef and beef primal cuts that were produced on May 31, June 1, and June 2, 2017.
Affected products include:
- 2, 20-lb. packages of “BEEF-GROUND COARSE 80/20” with product code 00297.
- 48, 4-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES ANGUS 4-1” with product code 00263.
- 48, 4-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES ANGUS 4-1” with product code 11062.
- 24, 10-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES BLACK HAWK” with product code 97675.
- 1, 60-lb. package of “BEEF-GROUND 80/20 W/SALT CK” with product code 00239.
- 62, 60-lb. cases of “BEEF-GROUND BULK 80/20 W/SALT” with product code 00291.
- 30, 6-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES BLACK HAWK” with product code 97673.
- 30, 6-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES STRIP-SHORT RIB” with product code 32100.
- 1, 30-lb. packages of “BEEF-RIBEYE EXPORT BLACK HAWK” with product code 79684.
- 24, 8-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES BRISK-SHORT RIB” with product code 00274.
- 30, 6-oz. packages of “BEEF-SIRLOIN C/C BLACK HAWK” with product code 00496.
- 1 Case of “BFRESH-BEEF SLIDER 15-2 0Z” with product code 02374.\
- 30, 6-oz. packages of “BEEF, PATTIES 75/25 6 0Z STK PAC” with product code 00249.
- 24, 10-oz. packages of “BEEF, PATTIES 75/25 10 0Z STK PA” with product code 00248.
- 1, 10-lb. package of “BEEF-GROUND 80/20 HOUSE BRAND” with product code 00300.
- 24, 7-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES 100% NATURAL ANGU” with product code 00286.
- 8, 8-oz. packages of “BFRESH-PATTIES BRISK/ SHORT RIB” with product code 02309.
- 24, 7-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES BLACK HAWK” with product code 77749.
- 30, 6-oz. packages of “BEEF-SIRLOIN C/C BLACK HAWK” with product code 00496.
- 24, 10-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES BRISK-SHORT RIB” with product code 99943.
- 1, 15-lb. package of “BEEF-RIBEYE LIPON BLACK HAWK” with product code 05471.
- 24, 8-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES ANGUS 2-1” with product code 00258.
- 30, 5.3-oz. packages of “BEEF-PATTIES ANGUS 3-1” with product code 00261.
- 1, 10-lb. package of “GROUND, BEEF 75/25 10#;” with product code 00232.
- 1, 30-lb. package of “BEEF-RIBEYE EXPORT BLACK HAWK;” product code 79684.
- 24, 8-oz. packages of “BEEF, PATTIES 75/25 2-1 STK PAC;” product code 00240.
- 4, 10-lbs. packages of “BEEF-GROUND 80/20 HOUSE BRAND;” product code 00299.
These products have the establishment number “EST. 7914” inside the USDA mark of inspection. The beef was shipped to food service locations in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee.
Creation Gardens discovered the problem Monday when plant management inspectors notified the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of two positive E. coli test results.
Escherichia coli (abbreviated as E. coli) are bacteria found in the environment, foods, and intestines of people and animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Although most strains are harmless, others can make you sick. Some kinds of E. coli can cause diarrhea, while others cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), respiratory illness and pneumonia.
If you purchased any of the above items you should discard them immediately or return them to the place of purchase for a refund. To date, no E. coli infections have been linked to the recall.
Source: FOX 59
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