Health officials are investigating a multi-state outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to bagged peaches.
As of August 19, at least 68 people were infected with Salmonella Enteritidis from June 29 to August 3, including 14 people who were hospitalized, according to an outbreak investigation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The illnesses have been reported in nine states: Iowa (8), Maryland (1), Michigan (17), Minnesota (23), New Jersey (3), New York (8), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (3), and Wisconsin (3).
In response, ALDI recalled assorted peaches in 20 states from its supplier, Wawona Packing Company of California.
The ALDI recall involves loose bulk peaches, Organic Peaches in 2-pound bags, and Wawona® Peaches in 2-pound bags.
Target also recalled peaches, including loose bulk peaches (Prima® and California) and 2-pound bags of Organic Peaches and white peaches:
- Target Item # 267-03-4038, Peach per pound; UPC # 492670340386 Item will have a small sticker with the name Prima and the 4 digit code 4044
- Target Item # 266-03-0010, Peach by the each; UPC # 204038000005 Item will have a small sticker with the name California and the 4 digit code 4038
- Target Item # 266-03-0002, 2 lb peach bag; UPC # 033383322056 Bag has a orange banner at the top with the brand “Prima Tree Ripened Peaches” printed on it.
- Target Item # 267-50-4044, 2 lb organic peach; UPC # 849315000400 Bag has an orange banner at the top with the brand “Organic Peaches” printed on it.
- Target Item # 267-03-4405, White Peach per pound UPC # 492670344056 Item will have a small sticker with the name Prima and the 4 digit code 4401
The symptoms of Salmonella infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever, usually within 12 to 96 hours after eating contaminated food. Most healthy people recover without needing medical treatment.
In some cases, the infection may be so severe that be hospitalization is needed. Salmonella infections can spread from the intestines to the bloodstream, resulting in life-threatening complications or death.