All posts by Daily Hornet

We aim to provide progressive news that covers politics and corporate wrongdoing. We have no corporate interests to serve. No hidden agenda. We’re here to bring you the news you need to know with a grassroots twist.

Lawsuit Filed Over IVC Filter Retrieval Complications

A man from Greece has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer of a blood clot filter for downplaying side effects, especially the challenges of removing filters when complications occur. He required two retrieval procedures after the filter tilted and became...

/ March 31, 2017

Defective IV Filter Lawsuit Filed in Florida

A lawsuit was filed by a man who has a short-term IVC filter in his body forever because it tilted and became embedded in his vein. He suffered three unsuccessful retrieval procedures.

/ March 30, 2017
Weight Loss Surgery Blood Clot Filter Lawsuit

IVC Blood Clot Filter Lawsuit Filed in New York

A lawsuit has been filed by a woman who was injured when her Option™ IVC filter tilted, embedded itself, and punctured her kidney vein. The hook broke off in her body when doctors tried to pull it out.

/ March 29, 2017
Pet Food Recalls for Thyroid Hormones

FDA: Thyroid Hormones in Dog Food Can Kill Your Pet

Some commercial pet foods are made with livestock gullets (throat meat) and dangerous thyroid hormones that can make your dog or cat very sick, hyperactive, or cause death.

/ March 28, 2017

Connecticut Woman Files IVC Filter Injury Lawsuit

A woman who was injured by an intravenous blood clot filter has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer for downplaying serious side effects.

/ March 28, 2017
ATV Recall Injury Lawsuit

Polaris Sportsman ATV Recalled for Fire & Burn Injury Hazard

After 47 fires that resulted in burn injuries to four people, Polaris recalled around 19,200 of the Sportsman 850 and Sportsman 1000 ATVs from the 2015 and 2016 model-years.

/ March 27, 2017
Harbor Freight Class Action Settlement

Bought Tools at Harbor Freight? You May Be Due a Refund

The nationwide discount hardware store Harbor Freight Tools is giving customers up to 30% back on all purchases as part of a $23 million class action lawsuit settlement over misleading sales price tags.

/ March 27, 2017
Lawsuit for IVC Filter in Florida

Man Files Intravenous Blood Clot Filter Lawsuit

As the use of IVC filters declines, business is booming for doctors who remove them. Unfortunately, the longer a filter remains implanted, the higher the risk of deadly complications like blood clots in the legs.

/ March 24, 2017

Pharmacist Cleared of Murder in Outbreak that Killed 64 People

A pharmacy owner escaped murder charges after illegally mass-producing moldy spinal injections and shipping them nationwide, which caused an outbreak of fungal meningitis that sickened 753 people, including 64 who died, in 2012.

/ March 23, 2017
IVC FIlter Retrieval Failure Lawsuit

Lawsuit Filed Over Failed IVC Filter Retrieval

A lawsuit has been filed by a man who has a short-term IVC filter implanted in his body permanently because it tilted and became embedded in his vein. The retrieval procedure was unsuccessful.

/ March 21, 2017