All posts by Daily Hornet

We aim to provide progressive news that covers politics and corporate wrongdoing. We have no corporate interests to serve. No hidden agenda. We’re here to bring you the news you need to know with a grassroots twist.

Toshiba Sattelite Laptop Recall

Toshiba Recalls Laptop Batteries Due to Fire Hazard

Toshiba is expanding a recall to include about 200,000 lithium-ion laptop batteries because they can overheat and catch on fire, posing burn injury hazards to consumers.

/ January 5, 2017
Blood Clot Filter Injury Lawsuit

California Woman Files Bard G2® X IVC Filter Lawsuit

A lawsuit has been filed by a woman who was injured by an implantable filter that is designed to catch blood clots and prevent pulmonary embolisms.

/ January 4, 2017
Eclipse IVC Filter Lawsuit

Michigan Woman Files Bard Eclipse® IVC Filter Lawsuit

C.R. Bard has been sued by a woman who was injured by a blood clot-catching filter that was recently withdrawn from the market without a recall.

/ January 3, 2017
Blood Clot Filter Injury Lawyer in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Woman Files Bard Meridian® IVC Filter Lawsuit

Thousands of people who were injured by blood clot-catching filters have filed lawsuits. About half of the lawsuits involve filters made by C.R. Bard that were withdrawn from the market without recalls.

/ January 2, 2017
Millions of Dehumidifiers Pose Major Fire Hazard

Millions of Dehumidifiers Pose Major Fire Hazard

Millions of people in the United States have a recalled dehumidifier and have no idea about the risk of it burning their house down.

/ December 30, 2016
Catheter Injury Recall Lawsuit

Catheter Injury Lawsuits Increase After Slew of Recalls

Millions of catheters were recalled this year due to life-threatening safety risks. Lawsuits have been filed by people who were injured when the tip of the catheter broke off in their body.

/ December 30, 2016

Gastric Bypass Surgery Linked to Long-Lasting Digestive Problems

Most people who had a common weight-loss surgery experienced long-term digestive problems and could not eat certain foods, according to a recent study.

/ December 29, 2016
Lawyer for Blood Clot Filter Injuries

New Mexico Woman Files Option ELITE® IVC Filter Lawsuit

A lawsuit has been filed by a woman who needed multiple surgeries to remove a blood clot-catching filter that tilted and became embedded in her body.

/ December 28, 2016
Xarelto Lawsuit in MDL

Janssen Faces Over 15,000 Xarelto Bleeding Lawsuits

Over 15,000 lawsuits have been filed by people who had severe, uncontrollable bleeding after taking the blood-thinning drug Xarelto.

/ December 27, 2016
Missouri Blood Clot Filter Lawsuit

Missouri Man Files Bard Meridian® IVC Filter Lawsuit

A man who was injured by a blood clot-catching filter that was recently pulled off the market has filed a lawsuit against C.R. Bard.

/ December 26, 2016