All posts by Daily Hornet

We aim to provide progressive news that covers politics and corporate wrongdoing. We have no corporate interests to serve. No hidden agenda. We’re here to bring you the news you need to know with a grassroots twist.

Lawsuit Filed Over Failed IVC Filter Removal

A lawsuit has been filed by a man who has an IVC filter permanently embedded in his body. The filter tilted and got stuck in his vein within 2 months. He is at risk of sudden death or life-threatening injuries...

/ January 25, 2017

HP Expands Massive Laptop Battery Recall for Fire Hazard

HP is recalling more laptop batteries that can overheat and catch on fire, adding to a decade-long list involving over 500,000 batteries and 125 incidents since 2005.

/ January 24, 2017

Illinois Man Files IVC Filter Lawsuit

Lawsuits have been filed by people who say C.R. Bard's "new-and-improved" Denali IVC filter has similar safety risks as older designs — including filter fracture and embolization of broken pieces to the heart.

/ January 24, 2017

Lawsuit Filed by Man Injured by C.R. Bard IVC Filters

Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed by people who were seriously injured when the needle-like legs of an IVC filter broke off and traveled into their heart or lungs.

/ January 23, 2017
IVC Filter Lawsuit Rhode Island

Vena Cava Filter Lawsuit Filed by Rhode Island Woman

Thousands of people have filed lawsuits after they were injured by IVC filters that tilted, punctured through the vein, or could not be removed.

/ January 20, 2017
IVC Vein Filter Injury Lawsuit

Vein Filter Injury Lawsuit Filed by Minnesota Man

Thousands of people who were injured by defective Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) filters have filed lawsuits against manufacturers for failing to warn about severe side effects.

/ January 19, 2017

Lawsuit Blames Guardrail on Man’s Death After Funeral

The family of a young man who was impaled by a guardrail just hours after attending his sister's funeral has filed a wrongful death lawsuit.

/ January 18, 2017
IVC Filter Lawsuit California

Cook IVC Filter Injury Lawsuit Filed by California Woman

IVC filters prevent deadly blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolisms) but the risk of complications increases the longer they stay in the body — including the risk of causing blood clots or death.

/ January 18, 2017
Number of Taxotere Hair Loss Lawsuits

Massive Increase in Taxotere MDL – Number of Lawsuits Triples to 700+

Over 700 lawsuits have been filed by people who blame the chemotherapy drug Taxotere for causing permanent baldness. There were 438 new lawsuits in the last month alone, nearly tripling the size of a nationwide litigation that was centralized in...

/ January 17, 2017
IVC Filter Lawusit Filed by Texas Woman

Texas Woman Files Blood Clot Filter Injury Lawsuit

Cook Medical is facing nearly 1,400 lawsuits from people who were injured by IVC filters — 45% of cases involve the Günther Tulip, an older design that studies have linked to high rates of vein penetration. It digs into the...

/ January 17, 2017