Category: Political News
Saudi Arabia Warns Trump Not to Block Oil Imports
Saudi Arabia is cautioning President-elect Donald Trump against carrying out a threat to cut off all U.S. purchases of the kingdom's oil reserves.
China to Block iPhone Sales if Trump Declares Trade War
China has threatened to stop buying American goods, including automobiles and the popular Apple iPhone, if president-elect Donald Trump delivers on a campaign promise to impose massive tariffs on the country's imports.
For Better or Worse: How a Trump Presidency Will Change the World
The stunning victory of Donald Trump as president and a Republican-controlled Congress will usher in sweeping changes to national policy and transform America’s position on the global stage. Here are five things the president-elect hopes to accomplish during his first...
Does Trump Victory Mean the End of Obamacare?
Donald Trump has vowed for months to repeal the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, if elected. Now that he has secured the nomination, the question is whether he’ll be able to completely repeal the law in the event...
Clinton Outpaces Rivals in Big Pharma Donations
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has received more campaign contributions from drug companies than every other candidate in the 2016 field combined, even as she declares herself one of the industry’s toughest critics.
Study Finds Big Jump in Trampoline Park Injuries
Trampoline injury rates have risen sharply in recent years as indoor trampoline parks have skyrocketed in popularity.
Monsanto Supports Centralizing Roundup Lawsuits in MDL
With nearly two dozen Roundup lawsuits now filed, Monsanto has asked a panel of federal judges to centralize the litigation in one court.
Hillary Clinton Clinches Democratic Presidential Nomination
Here's a breakdown of Tuesday's presidential primary election results.
Supreme Court Backs Off Obamacare Birth Control Mandate
The U.S. Supreme Court has sent a lawsuit challenging the Obamacare "abortion pill" mandate back to lower courts.
Saudis “Supported” 9/11 Hijackers, Says Commission Member
Is Obama protecting the Saudis? We think it's time to release those 28 pages.