All posts by Daily Hornet

We aim to provide progressive news that covers politics and corporate wrongdoing. We have no corporate interests to serve. No hidden agenda. We’re here to bring you the news you need to know with a grassroots twist.

Fracking Earthquake Oklahoma

Strong Earthquake Hits Largest Oil Storage Hub in U.S.

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake caused injuries and structural damage in an Oklahoma town known as the "Pipeline Crossroads of the World."

/ November 7, 2016
Energy Drink Hepatitis Lawsuit

Energy Drinks Linked to Case Report of Hepatitis

Excessive consumption of energy drinks with vitamins like niacin (Vitamin B3) may cause sudden liver inflammation or acute hepatitis, according to a case report.

/ November 3, 2016
Metal on Metal Hip Implant Lawsuit Settlement

2,000 Wright Hip Implant Lawsuits Settle for $240M

Wright Medical Technology has agreed to pay a $240 million settlement to resolve most of the lawsuits involving their metal-on-metal hip replacements.

/ November 3, 2016
Wireless Car Thief Hacker

Keyless Ignitions Are Big Convenience for Car Thieves

Keyless ignitions are convenient, and not just for car-owners. Thieves "hack" wireless keys to effortlessly break inside. It is a big problem — about 100 million cars are vulnerable.

/ November 2, 2016
Dehumidifier Fire Recall

Dehumidifiers Recalled After Causing $4.8M in Fire Damage

Own a dehumidifier? It could burn your house down. Over 7 million have been recalled because they can catch on fire. The most recent house fire was on Halloween.

/ November 2, 2016
IVC Filter Removal Surgery Success

IVC Filter Removed After Risky Surgery

A man from Canada who was told his broken IVC filter could not be removed because it punctured through his vein has successfully had surgery to get it out.

/ October 31, 2016
Hernia Mesh Study Risks

Hernia Mesh Benefits Offset by Long-Term Risks

Hernia mesh prevented hernias from re-opening and needing another surgery in "relatively few patients," but caused much higher rates of long-term complications, according to a new study.

/ October 28, 2016
Baby Powder St. Louis Trial Verdict

$70 Million Awarded in 3rd St. Louis Baby Powder Trial

A woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using Johnson's Baby Powder on her genitals for 45 years has been awarded $70 million by a jury in St. Louis Circuit Court.

/ October 28, 2016
FDA Medical Device Injuries

FDA Launches Website to Report Medical Device Lawbreakers

Heads up, whistleblowers. The FDA has unveiled a new website for anyone to report that a medical device maker is breaking the law — for example, hiding safety reports or "off-label" marketing.

/ October 26, 2016
Testosterone FDA Warning

FDA Issues Warning on Testosterone Health Risks

Men who abuse or become dependent on testosterone or anabolic steroids face a number of life-threatening health risks, according to the FDA.

/ October 25, 2016